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Demineralization plant "IONTECH"

General information

demineralization tank water treatment

Demineralization is a process of water treatment aimed at removing inorganic ions which are present in water. Water treatment by ion exchange is a common unit operation in chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, semiconductor manufacturing, and utility plants. Demineralization takes place in tanks filled with ion exchange resins and as the water passes across the resins it becomes free of inorganic ions. The filtered water has nearly zero concentration of ions (conductivity measurement). ATHANASIOS KOUTSOUKOS S.A. offers the demineralization plant "IONTECH" for the demineralization of water.


Demineralization is achieved in two stages.

  1. The cations are exchanged with the hydrogen ions of the resin and the mineral salts are transformed into acids
  2. The formed acids are neutralized by the hydroxyl ions.

When the resins are saturated, the regeneration process begins. Waste water produced during the regeneration, is highly toxic and further treatment is necessary as well as proper disposal according to national and local regulations.
For the proper function of the system, water must be free of organic compounds; therefore, water contaminated with organic constituents has to be treated with the proper processes na valo link itn texnologia before it is passed across the demineralization tank. 

Resin selection

The selected type of resins designates the quality of the produced water. However, proper consideration must be taken for the selection of resins when organic compounds are present in the water. The available resins are:

1. Strong and weak resins
2 Μακροπορώδεις, σταθερής κοκκομετρίας or gel type resins
3. Resins of mixed usage with a passive layer
4. Resins for drinking and pharmaceutical water

demineralization tank water treatment

Construction materials

The demineralization tank is made of stainless steel 304-316L or Alloy 20 or Hastelloy B/C.

The IONTECK system can be equiped with several instruments making its operation nearly automatic. Such instruments among others are: manometers, pH meters, thermometers, flow and pressure regulators, etc..