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Neutralization of laboratory wastes


Neutralization of laboratory wastes "AKPI"


The neutralization system “AKPI” is suitable for medical and related laboratories as well as for medical school laboratories. It has the ability to neutralize all the wastes that are included in the Greek regulation code 19396/1546 « Regulation code for the management of dangerous wastes. Firstly the wastes are collected in a concentration tank and then are transferred to the neutralization system.


Concentration tank

The concentration tank is placed in a metallic stand in order to feed the neutralization system with natural flow. The tank is equipped with a level control with an ultrasonic sensor at the top of the tank and the instrument indicator can be seen in the PLC. Emptying of the tank can be carried out either with an electromagnetic valve through the PLC or manually.

Neutralization system

The tank is equipped with a level control with an ultrasonic sensor at the top of the tank and the instrument indicator can be seen in the PLC. When the tank is filled with, waste a re-circulating pump is activated for 5 minutes in order to create a homogenous mixture and then the pH is automatically measured. If the pH value is between 6, 5-7, 5 an electromagnetic valve is automatically opened and waste is emptied into a decontamination tank.
If the measured pH value is not between 6, 5- 7,5 a dosimetric pump is activated and the proper chemical solution (acid or base) is added to the tank in order to neutralize waste under vigorous stirring. When the pH reaches 6, 5- 7 ,5 an electromagnetic valve is opened, the pH is recorded and waste is transferred to a decontamination tank.

Dosimetric system

1. BASE SOLUTION. The system consists firstly of an alkaline solution container equipped with a level control. Secondly, of a dosimetric pump for supplying the neutralization system with a sodium hydroxide solution (50% NaOH). The pump is made of poly-propylene and it is placed in a metallic stand.

2. ACID SOLUTION. The system consists firstly of an acid solution container equipped with a level control. Secondly,a dosimetric pump for supplying the neutralization system with a hydrochloric acid solution (32% HCl). The pump is made of poly-propylene and it is placed in a metallic stand.

Measurement of pH.

The system consists of an electrode and a transmitter and the measurement of pH is performed on line. The electrode has a self cleaning system thus, the measurement values are accurate and no maintenance is necessary. The transmitter is connected to the PLC and a recorder to keep track of pH values during de-tanking.